Name: Didar Alom

ID: 126727

Designation: Iron Man

Section: Finishing

Using a Tab Does Not Scare Didar Anymore


Didar Alam is from Sirajganj, Bangladesh. He has been working in Standard Stitches Ltd. for the last three years. He is a peer finance educator of the HERfinance project.

Didar felt a bit intimidated when he began participating in the trainings because it was conducted with tabs, a device that he had never used before. But, after operating it a few times, it was easy for him to participate. He said he felt good when he could answer the questions simply by touching a screen all by himself. He sometimes found it difficult to understand the questions, but the option to hear the sound helped him greatly.

Didar has learned how to open an account, how to withdraw money and how to send money from the trainings. He has also learned about financial planning and budgets. Didar has shared that nowadays he does not feel hesitant to use tabs anymore and feels grateful to be a peer finance educator.